Wild Strawberry is native to the temperate regions of Europe and Asia as far as Lake Baikal; in East Asia and North America it is a species. In Fragaria Urtica Compound: Strawberry has healing properties in that it stimulates corresponding activities in humans, particularly if combined with stinging nettle, for example, in a pharmaceutical preparation. Such a medication activates hemopoiesis from the metabolic sphere and, thanks to the action of silica, then pushes the blood process to the outermost periphery. Preparations made from strawberry fruits will thus prove excellent in the treatment of certain types of anemia (see Healing Plants, by Wilhelm Pelikan, Mercury Press, p. 241). In Hepatodoron: The leaves have astringent and diuretic properties. Preparations of strawberry leaves are used for liver disease and jaundice (see PDR for Herbal Medicines, 2nd ed., p.735).
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