With this cooperation, it was possible to create a sanctuary of almost 5,000 acres in the Arequipa region for the sustainable wild collection of plants. A plant inventory was created using three sample plots, in order to intensively explore the natural regeneration and annual growing patterns of ratanhia. Findings from these studies helped lay the foundations for a sustainable collection strategy. Initially, only parts of the root were to be harvested, but researchers and Weleda’s plant buyers gradually developed a remarkably simple method that allowed them to increase production. The collection area was divided into five sectors, in each of which every fifth plant could be harvested with their roots. As they harvest, the collectors also plant ratanhia seeds in the disturbed earth to ensure the continued regrowth of seedlings. Long-term observation and analysis shows us that this targeted regeneration of the plant population works well, and protects the future of the plant.
This project in which Weleda has now collaborated for almost 10 years with its German and Peruvian partners secures the ratanhia that is so important for Weleda’s dental care products. The ratanhia is collected in accordance with sustainable collection concepts and is processed in Europe. The collectors receive an agreed and fair wage, which assures them of an important extra income. Weleda gets a transparent, sustainable and secure supply and the company can use this valuable knowledge to support the development of other wild collection projects.
The effort we put in, and the support from our partners has not gone unnoticed. Peruvian conservation authorities intend to make ‘the sustainable collection method’ a law for all companies that want to export ratanhia. This means that only those who sustainably collect ratanhia are also allowed to export from Peru. In the near future, this strategy could also be applied to other plants, which would be an important step towards sustainable biodiversity.