Calendula Toothpaste

Calendula Toothpaste

Calendula toothpaste with gentle plant extracts and minerals
Peppermint-free, fresh-tasting fennel formula.
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Product information
In Calendula Toothpaste, every ingredient counts towards fresh breath and a clean mouth. Calming calendula helps soothe sensitive gums, calcium mineral has a gentle abrasive action, and fennel essential oil gives a fresh, pleasant taste. There's no peppermint, so it won’t interfere or irritate palates with mint sensitivities.


Effective cleansing for teeth and gums along with regular brushing. Certified natural by NATRUE. Free of sugar, artificial sweeteners, surfactants, synthetic preservatives, flavors, colorants, or raw materials derived from mineral oils.



Calendula Officinalis Extract


Calendula Officinalis Extract

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Full Declaration

1 From natural essential oils
How to Use

Regular brushing and flossing – and staying away from sweets - keeps mouth, teeth and gums refreshed

Customer Reviews (10)

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