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Comforting Baby Oil - Calendula
Comforting Baby Oil - Calendula

Comforting Baby Oil - Calendula

Baby-gentle body oil for rubs and massages
A cuddle in a bottle – kind oils to cherish fragile baby skin and support baby’s delicate skin.
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Price excluding tax
Available soon
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Available soon
Product information
An all-over body treat you’ll both enjoy! Calendula Baby Oil swaddles baby in a warming, gently fragrant sheen of delicate oils. With sweet almond and sesame oil, extracts of calendula and chamomile and essential oils for a subtle, comforting fragrance. Use for all-over body care on baby’s skin, or to give a loving massage with your own touch. Baby relaxes and skin feels silky and protected.


Keeps moisture in and helps to support baby’s delicate skin. Warming, delicately scented, leaves skin soft and smooth. Only gentle oils, ideal for baby massage, dermatologically proven to be very skin-friendly, even for sensitive skin. Free from synthetic preservatives, fragrances, colorants or raw materials derived from mineral oils.



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Calendula Officinalis Flower Extract

Calendula Flower Extract

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Full Declaration

1 From natural essential oils
How to Use

Use as a mild cleanser on cotton wool or muslin cloth. Massage in all over lightly or use for dry patches of skin. For daily body care, after baths, or as a massage oil.

Customer Reviews (3)

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{{ this.aggregation.sumReviews }} Reviews

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