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Deep Moisture Facial Balm
Deep Moisture Facial Balm

Deep Moisture Facial Balm

An intensive cream for protection in extreme conditions
Ultimate support for the driest facial skin and in the harshest situations, with immediate effectiveness and lasting care. Packaging may vary.
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Price excluding tax
Available soon
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Price excluding tax
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Available soon
Product information
Weleda Deep Moisture Facial Balm is a profoundly-hydrating blend especially formulated for extremes – whether that’s skin with intensive needs, or conditions that give your skin a battering – or both! Valuable plant oils and beeswax are combined to form a rich, defensive mantle against cold, dry air, wind or central heating. Dry skin is nourished and moisturized. Your skin feels soft and smooth again, and stays that way.


Protects from elements, nourishes and occludes drying. Dermatogically tested.





Full Declaration

1 From natural essential oils
Customer Reviews (18)

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The “Verified Review” badge ensures that the review was submitted by a customer who either purchased the product via our webshop or we can otherwise ensure that they received the product (for example by participating in a product test).

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