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Hydrating Body Wash - Sea Buckthorn
Hydrating Body Wash - Sea Buckthorn

Hydrating Body Wash - Sea Buckthorn

Brilliant, vitalizing shower cream with nourishing oils
Lift your spirit with the energy of the sun, captured in a gentle, shower cream.
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Price excluding tax
Available soon
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Available soon
Product information
If you could fill your shower with sunshine, it would smell and feel like this. Sun-ripened sea buckthorn fruits are pressed for their golden flesh and seed oil, plentiful with vitamins to pamper your skin. Sun-ripened oranges, mandarins and grapefruit lend their sparkling fragrance while the oil-enriched cream gently cleans your skin with mild sugar-based cleansers. Step out sun-kissed, summer-loved and fresh all over.


Mild cleansing. Vitalizing fragrance. Certified natural by NATRUE, free from synthetic fragrance, color, preservatives and raw materials from mineral oils. Dermatologically tested.





Full Declaration

1 From natural essential oils
How to Use

In the shower or bath, use generously all over. Will not create high lather. Enhance the moisturizing effect by following with Sea Buckthorn Replenishing Body Lotion or Body Oil.

Customer Reviews (6)

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