Sage Deodorant

Sage Deodorant

Fresh with a clean herbal fragrance
Sage, rosemary and lavender essential oils come together to work with your body’s own detoxifying process to keep you feeling fresh and clean. This product has a new look! In an effort to meet our sustainability goals, our deodorants in glass bottles are now being produced in green glass. The color of the product has not changed.
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Product information
Where ordinary deodorants clog your pores and work against your body’s own detoxifying process, Weleda’s Sage Deodorant works in harmony with your body letting your body breathe. In recyclable glass bottles, our deodorants all use non-aerosol pump sprays, with no aluminum salts or other antiperspirant minerals, we promise you freshness.


Maintains skin’s natural detoxification process. Dermatologically tested and skin-kind. Free from antiperspirants including aluminum salts, synthetic preservatives or fragrances, colorants and raw materials derived from mineral oils.





Full Declaration

1 From natural essential oils
How to Use

Spray under arms, avoiding contact with eyes. Keep away from open flame. Do not spray near open flame.

Customer Reviews (21)

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