Skin Food Face Care Nourishing Bundle

Skin Food Face Care Nourishing Bundle

A facial care collection to restore your skin's luminosity.
Discover radiant skin with our new Skin Food Face Care collection. Antioxidant-rich cica, hydrating squalane, and soothing calendula combine to support your skin, for a complexion that glows.
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Price excluding tax
Available soon
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Product information
Skin Food Face Care Nourishing Day Cream leaves skin luminous throughout the day, while the Skin Food Face Care Nourishing Night Cream delivers overnight replenishment, infusing skin with hydration. Skin Food Face Care Nourishing Oil-to-Milk Cleanser melts away makeup with a unique oil-to-milk transforming formula. This collection contains:

  • Skin Food Face Care Nourishing Day Cream 1.3 fl oz

  • Skin Food Face Care Nourishing Night Cream 1.3 fl oz

  • Skin Food Face Care Nourishing Oil-to-Milk Cleanser 2.5 fl oz

Enjoy $10 savings!



Customer Reviews (10)

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