Skin Food Head-to-Toe Set

Skin Food Head-to-Toe Set

Plant-rich nourishment for hydration and glow from face to toe.
The perfect daily duo of plant-rich nourishment. Our Skin Food Light Nourishing Cream instantly absorbs into facial skin, while our luxurious Skin Food Body Butter gives an all-over plant-rich glow. Both with our vibrant herbal blend of chamomile, calendula, and pansy; in nourishing bases of cocoa seed and shea butters.
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Product information
The perfect duo to nourish your skin with plant-rich moisture on a daily basis. This set includes: • Skin Food Body Butter, 5.0 fl oz • Skin Food Light Nourishing Cream, 1.0 fl oz A botanical amalgam of pansy, calendula and chamomile, this set indulges your senses, while the light, whipped texture melts into skin.


Dermatologically tested and free from synthetic preservatives, fragrances, colorants or raw materials derived from mineral oils.



How to Use
Skin Food Light

Apply Skin Food Light as needed, whenever and wherever skin needs immediate moisture - it's suitable for use on face or body.

Skin Food Body Butter

After a bath or shower, smooth on the Body Butter and allow it to melt into skin.

Customer Reviews (1)

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