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Pampering Body & Beauty Oil - Wild Rose
Pampering Body & Beauty Oil - Wild Rose

Pampering Body & Beauty Oil - Wild Rose

Feel luminous, soft and revitalized with Wild Rose
A veil of silky moisturizing oils, with a luxurious rose bouquet, to pamper skin after bathing.
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Price excluding tax
Available soon
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Available soon
Product information
Everything about the rose is harmonious, especially her balance between flourishing growth and delicate beauty, sensual summer fragrance and vibrant autumn fruit. That harmony of beauty and endurance is captured in this indulgent body oil. The precious floral oil of wild roses is carefully blended with hydrating sweet almond and jojoba oil. Your skin glows with silky radiance while the intoxicating scent of damask roses transform the moment.


High in essential fatty acids, supports the natural functions of skin. Harmonizes the body and spirit for skin that feels luminous, soft and revitalized. Dermatologically tested. Certified natural by NATRUE. Free from synthetic preservative, fragrance, color or raw materials from mineral oils.





Full Declaration

1 From natural essential oils
How to Use

Massage a few drops into damp skin after shower or bath. Can be used to enrich Wild Rose Pampering Body Lotion.

Customer Reviews (9)

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